How is data shared with external parties?

Read: what is an external party?
External parties communicate with Hoplr neighbourhoods through a separate dashboard. This way, our partners have no access to the neighbourhoods' content.

What information does Hoplr share with external parties?

  • External parties can see the comments you post on their messages.
  • You can explicitly choose to share a message with an external party. Read how.
  • External parties receive aggregated and anonymised data from the neighbourhoods they have a license to. The neighbourhood score, for example, is shared with external parties. Shared data always concern averages of a large group of people, and are never linked to personal data.

Personal data (name, street name, profession,...) are invisible to people who are not registered to your specific Hoplr neighbourhood. Read: what does Hoplr mean when we say 'closed' neighbourhood network?

And read more about the ways Hoplr protects your data, here.

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