What does the initial collaboration with Hoplr look like?

  1. Local governments, utility companies, project developers, public services and other organisations who can bring the Hoplr neighbourhoods non-commercial value contact us for a first meeting.

  2. If both parties are on board, the municipality can enroll in a yearly license. The licenses vary per module.

  3. We draw up the different neighbourhoods of the region. Read how we go about defining the Hoplr neighbourhoods.

  4. Every household receives a Hoplr-invitation in their mailbox. This letter gives them some information about the digital neighbourhood network, as well as a neighbourhood code. With it, recipients smoothly gain access to their correct Hoplr neighbourhood.

  5. Often, local governments give the initial conversion a boost by launching a promotional campaign. They contact local press or organise an info session for citizens. We promise a conversion of at least 10% to 15% of all households in the first weeks after launch. 

  6. Finally, we deliver the Service Dashboard. From then, external parties can start using the Service Dashboard for neighbourhood communication, care and citizen engagement.

More questions? Contact us

Send an email to support@hoplr.com

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